G. Wu, A. Haider, X. Tian, E. Loweimi, Ch-H.Chan, M. Qian, A. Muhammad, I. Spence, R. Cooper, W. Ng, J. Kittler, M. Gales and H. Wang, “Multi-modal Video Search by Examples – A Video Quality Impact Analysis”, IET Computer Vision, pp. 1–17, 2024, doi: 10.1049/cvi2.12303.
E. Loweimi, A. Carmantini, P. Bell, S. Renals and Z. Cvetkovic, “Phonetic Error Analysis Beyond Phone Error Rate”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 31, pp. 3346-3361, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TASLP.2023.3313417. Preprint
E. Loweimi, Z. Yue, P. Bell, S. Renals, and Z. Cvetkovic, “Multi-stream Acoustic
Modelling using Raw Real and Imaginary Parts of the Fourier Transform”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 31, pp. 876-890, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TASLP.2023.3237167. Preprint
Z. Yue †, E. Loweimi †, J. Barker, H. Christensen, and Z. Cvetkovic, “Acoustic
Modelling from Raw Source and Filter Components for Dysarthric Speech Recognition”,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 30, pp. 2968-2980, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TASLP.2022.3205766 († Equal contribution). Preprint
E. Loweimi, M. Qian, K. Knill, and M. Gales, On the Usefulness of Speaker Embeddings for Speaker Retrieval in the Wild:
A Comparative Study of x-vector and ECAPA-TDNN Models, INTERSPEECH, 2024.
M. Qian, R. Ma, A. Liusie, E. Loweimi, K. Knill, and M. Gales, Zero-shot Audio Topic Reranking using Large Language Models, SLT, 2024.
E. Loweimi, A. Carmantini, P. Bell, S. Renals, and Z. Cvetkovic, “Phonetic Error Analysis of Raw Waveform Acoustic Models with Parametric and Non-Parametric CNNs”, arXiv, 2024.
Z. Yue †, E. Loweimi †, and Z. Cvetkovic, “Dysarthric Speech Recognition, Detection and Classification using Raw Phase and Magnitude Spectra“, INTERSPEECH, 2023 († Equal contribution).
Z. Yue †, E. Loweimi †, J. Barker, H. Christensen, and Z. Cvetkovic, “Dysarthric Speech Recognition from Raw Waveform with Parametric CNNs”, INTERSPEECH,
2022 († Equal contribution).
N. Shao, E. Loweimi, and X. Li, “RCT: Random Consistency Training for Semisupervised Sound Event Detection”, INTERSPEECH, 2022.
Z. Yue †, E. Loweimi†, and Z. Cvetkovic, “Raw Source and Filter Modelling for Dysarthric Speech Recognition”, ICASSP, 2022 († Equal contribution).
Z. Yue, E. Loweimi, Z. Cvetkovic, H. Christensen, and J. Barker, “Multimodal Acoustic-Articulatory Feature Fusion for Dysarthric Speech Recognition”, ICASSP, 2022.
E. Loweimi, P. Bell, and S. Renals, “Speech Acoustic Modelling using Raw Source and Filter Components”, INTERSPEECH, 2021.
S. Zhang, E. Loweimi, P. Bell, and S. Renals, “Stochastic Attention Head Removal: A Simple and Effective Method for Improving Transformer Based ASR
Models”, INTERSPEECH, 2021.
E. Loweimi, Z. Cvetkovic, P. Bell, and S. Renals, “Speech Acoustic Modelling from Raw Phase Spectrum”, ICASSP, 2021.
S. Zhang, C-T. Do, R. Doddipatla, E. Loweimi, P. Bell, and S. Renals, “Train Your Classifier First: Cascade Neural Networks Training from Upper Layers to Lower Layers”, ICASSP, 2021.
E. Loweimi, P. Bell, and S. Renals, “Raw Sign and Magnitude Spectra for Multihead Acoustic Modelling”, INTERSPEECH, 2020.
E. Loweimi, P. Bell, and S. Renals, “On the Robustness and Training Dynamics of Raw Waveform Models”, INTERSPEECH, 2020.
S. Zhang, E. Loweimi, P. Bell, and S. Renals, “On The Usefulness of Self-Attention for Automatic Speech Recognition with Transformers”, SLT, 2020.
J. Fainberg, O. Klejch, E. Loweimi, P. Bell, and S. Renals, “Acoustic Model Adaptation from Raw Waveforms with SincNet”, ASRU, 2019.
E. Loweimi, P. Bell, and S. Renals, “On Learning Interpretable CNNs with Parametric Modulated Kernel-based Filters”, INTERSPEECH, 2019.
S. Zhang, E. Loweimi, Y. Xu, P. Bell, and S. Renals “Trainable Dynamic Subsampling for End-to-End Speech Recognition”, INTERSPEECH, 2019.
M.A. Jalal, E. Loweimi, R. Moore, and T. Hain, “Learning Temporal Clusters Using Capsule Routing for Speech Emotion Recognition”, INTERSPEECH, 2019.
E. Loweimi, P. Bell, and S. Renals, “On the Usefulness of Statistical Normalisation of Bottleneck Features for Speech Recognition”, ICASSP, 2019.
S. Zhang, E. Loweimi, P. Bell, and S. Renals, “Windowed Attention Mechanisms for Speech Recognition”, ICASSP, 2019.
E. Loweimi, J. Barker, and T. Hain, “On the Usefulness of the Speech Phase Spectrum for Pitch Extraction”, INTERSPEECH, 2018.
E. Loweimi, J. Barker, and T. Hain, “Exploring the use of Group Delay for Generalised VTS based Noise Compensation”, ICASSP, 2018.
E. Loweimi, J. Barker, and T. Hain, “Channel Compensation in the Generalised Vector Taylor Series Approach to Robust ASR”, INTERSPEECH, 2017.
E. Loweimi, J. Barker, O. Saz Torralba, and T. Hain, “Robust Source-Filter Separation of Speech Signal in the Phase Domain”, INTERSPEECH, 2017.
E. Loweimi, J. Barker, and T. Hain, “Statistical Normalisation of Phase-based Feature Representation for Robust Speech Recognition”, ICASSP, 2017.
E. Loweimi, J. Barker, and T. Hain, “Use of Generalised Nonlinearity in VTS Noise Compensation for Robust Speech Recognition”, INTERSPEECH, 2016.
E. Loweimi, J. Barker, and T. Hain, “Source-filter Separation of Speech Signal in the Phase Domain”, INTERSPEECH, 2015.
E. Loweimi, M. Doulaty, J. Barker, and T. Hain, “Long-term statistical Feature Extraction from Speech Signal and its Application in Emotion Recognition”, Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP), 2015.
E. Loweimi, M. Doulaty, J. Barker, and T. Hain, “Emotion Recognition from the Speech Signal by Effective Combination of Generative and Discriminative Models”, USES, 2015.
E. Loweimi, J. Barker, and T. Hain, “Compression of Model-based Group Delay Function for Robust Speech Recognition”, USES, 2014.
E. Loweimi, S.M. Ahadi, and T. Drugman, “A New Phase-based Feature Representation for Robust Speech Recognition”, ICASSP, 2013.
E. Loweimi, S.M. Ahadi, T. Drugman, and S. Loveymi, “On the Importance of Pre-emphasis and Window Shape in Phase-based Speech Recognition”, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7911 LNAI, 2013.
E. Loweimi, S.M. Ahadi, and H. Sheikhzadeh, “Phase-only Speech Reconstruction Using Very Short Frames”, INTERSPEECH, 2011.
E. Loweimi and S.M. Ahadi, “A New Group Delay-based Feature for Robust Speech Recognition”, ICME, 2011.
E. Loweimi, S.M. Ahadi, and S. Loveymi, “On the Importance of Phase and Magnitude Spectra in Speech Enhancement”, ICEE, 2011.
E. Loweimi and S.M. Ahadi, “Objective Evaluation of Phase and Magnitude only Reconstructed Speech: New Considerations”, ISSPA, 2010.
E. Loweimi and S.M. Ahadi, “Objective Evaluation of Magnitude and Phase only Spectrum-based Reconstruction of the Speech Signal”, ISCCSP, 2010.